Monday, September 1, 2008

We Can Just 'Be There'

This speaks for itself, I think.

Check it out here, PurposeDriven - It's called Rwandan church discovers compassion.


Mommy of Four said...

Heartbreaking! We're praying for you guys and you follow the Lord's will for your lives...we're praying for protection for you and that the hearts of the people you minister to will be opened to Truth. We love you!

Our Journey to Africa said...

We love you too Kayla!! We're going to miss you guys so much and our cute li'l neices and nephew:) We'll be praying for you too:) I hope you get this message--I'm new at this blog set-up:) Take care:)

Sheri said...

Wow, you guys - this video brought tears to my eyes! I am so thrilled that there will be people who will have you both by their side, loving them regardless of their past. May they come to know the overwhelming power of a love that knows no end!

I think sometimes we (the Church) make life more complicated than it needs to be, wondering if the least of these deserves to be loved. Christianity can be so simple - love God, love others. I'm excited to know that there are so many that will see God's love through you!!

Sister Honey Bunch/Judi maloney said...

Katie sent me this link (I work with her) and will be praying for your journey. What great work you'll be doing!