Tuesday, October 14, 2008

One small step at a time

Ann and I made it to a location or township yesterday (Wednesday) called Nkhulamani. We have a couple of local volunteers out there who are helping us with the Care & Compassion ministry. One of the volunteers, Gertrude, is a counsellor at the hospital near us and has an amazing story herself. She is a mother of three, struggling to feed her family on a small income and is 'living positively' (she is HIV+). When she got sick she decided to help others going through the same thing, instead of 'feeling sorry for herself and giving up on life'. She encourages so many people both at the hospital and in her community - she is an inspiration to us as well.

We visited 4 families yesterday in their tiny little homes. None of the patients were bed-ridden, but all had similar stories of how hard it is to find food, medications and work. It will be a challenge to meet even the simplest of their needs, but God is good and he will come through for them. We plan on returning Friday to give what we have and visit with them some more. I tell you it's a pedestrian life over here. We walked from house to house with a backpack and some water in about 98 degree weather. But the only way to get to know a city is to walk it. We miss so much of what is true and real about the people and buildings and life of a place when we blow by it in a car. At least that is what I keep telling myself as we plod along.

It has been an awesome experience so far, even with all the challenges we have faced. Thank you all for the prayers, emails and words of encouragment.

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